Tuesday, September 13, 2016

#1 Intro to Blog

Buzz...Buzz...Buzz… My alarm clock just went off. The clock reads 6:30am, and it is time to get ready for the day. I start off the day with a bowl of cereal and the news. Once again, another depressing story is the headline of the morning. A shooting has just taken place with five people dead. Plainly stated, I hate the news. Still every morning, I wake up to stories of shootings, murders, tragic accidents, and the occasional bombing. To cap it all off is the weather. Good thing it is going to be a sunny 70 degrees today. Seems like everyday, more terrible events are happening. These events not only come on the news but also the radio, newspaper, media sites, and from that one annoying family member. You know, the one always calling at random times to tell you what just happened. I hear more about how people are trying to destroy this world than help it.

I have created the blog The Will to Keep Going based on real life events. I know for certain that everyone goes through a tough time in their life. Just turn on the news if you don't believe me. What I never see is how these individuals rise above these events. A famous boxer once said, “It ain’t about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and still keep moving forward.”-Rocky. Rocky could not have summed it up any better. We will all face some obstacle in our lifetime. It is how we get over this obstacle that matters. I am creating this blog to talk about the fighters. The ones who have taken blow after blow and still manage to stumble to their feet. Through this journey I will not be only talking about other people's story but also my own. It is important to keep note that not every experience is the same.

What I have gone through and someone else's struggles might not relate at all. Still we went through a tough time and found a way to rise above. In the depths of these events, we find ourselves seeking motivation in almost anything. Motivation will be a highlight of my blog. Now, I don't plan on just telling a tragic story about someone’s life. If someone wanted to hear about that they could just turn on the news. Instead, I plan to tell a story that encourages others to find inspiration. I want someone to read this blog and feel amazed as if they just finished watching Rudy for the first time. Who knows, maybe someone else will tell their story.

1 comment:

  1. Life can be hard, no doubt. But I'm glad you decide daily to keep going.
